Client: Bulgarian Rose Beauty

eCommerce Website Design

Small business owner needs responsive website to raise visability and drive sales.

bulgarian rose beauty mockup

Bulgarian Rose Beauty Website Design

Project Overview

Dubai based client needed website as a means of reaching more customers and a better way to integrate with fulfillment partners. Client also wanted to be able to keep closer tabs on inventory and track sales.

The Solution:

An simple yet elegant WordPress website built using WooCommerce. Order processing is now automated through email, while also sending customer a confirmation notice.

My Role:

Graphic and Web Designer


2 Months


bulgarianrosebeauty home page

Create a website that is usable and attractive in several different languages including Arabic, which is read right to left.

Produce an order-to-delivery process that generates customer sales reciepts, invoice and deliver instructions, and inventory control data.

Empower tech-adverse client to easily access and update site.

Bulgarian Rose Beauty Shop
Shop Page Bulgarian Rose Beauty site
arabic translation page
Arabic Translation
mobile home screen
mobile product screen
mobile product description screen
mobile product screen
mobile checkout screen

Thankfully there are a ton of WordPress plugins out there, and I was able to address all my clients needs using a select few. The most helpful, from the clients perspective is the WooCommerce app that allows her to access the sites' "back door" from her iPhone.

The order fufillment vendor is pleased with the new ordering system and reports no problems with the implimentation.

Sales continue to grow and the next phase will be to optimize SEO to maximize site traffic.