Case Study: Rainbow Service Dogs

Responsive Website Redesign

Tucson non-profit gets a colorful and organzational revamp.

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Rainbow Service Dogs Responsive Website Redesign

Project Overview

Rainbow Service Dogs is a Tucson non-profit organization that helps those who need a service dog obtain and train one for themselves. The current website was a wealth of information and images, unfortunately it was poorly organized and very difficult to find specifics. The donation link was nearly inaccessable.

The Solution:

The website was taken apart and rebuilt from the ground up. It was reorganized, the donate call to action made more prominent, and more pictures of dogs included.

Team Members:

Michelle K, Kayla M, Christina G, Peggy P.

My Roles:

UX Research, Ideation & Prototyping, and FE Development


3 Weeks

Analysis and Evaluations

Our project started with an audit of the current website, and while there was a great deal of information, pertinent facts seems to be scattered here and there. We conducted a competitor analysis and heuristic evaluations and user surveys were created and posted on social media. One-on-one user interviews conducted and data gathered. Probably most exciting, was an hour long conversation with the director of Rainbow Service Dogs, Kelley Fecteau.

Original "Donation" Page

One of the biggest takeaways from my interview with Kelley was that as a non-profit they rely heavily on donations to cover operating expenses.

The website however, only had 1 working donation link, and it was at the bottom of the Suzanne J Perry Scholarship page.

Kelley's dog Sequoa Jane
Facetiming with Kelley's dog, Sequoa Jane
User Interviews, Surveys, and Insights

We gathered both qualitative data from user intervews and testing, and quantitative data through a Google survey.

Specifically we were interested in learning:

  • What are users' pain points and goals when interacting with charities online?
  • What would motivate them to get involved with or donate to different non-profit organizations.
  • What do users' think of the navigation, layout, and UI of the current Rainbow Service Dogs website?

Our Findings (32 respondents):

  • 72% Volunteer at or donate to charities.
  • 60% Donate to charities online.
  • 65% Would feel comfortable donating to a service dog charity.

Website Testing Findings:

Testers gave up trying to find donation/Paypal link, got confused in several places, and declared the site to be, "A mess".

More that one tester remarked that the amount of information on the site was , "Overwhelming".

User Persona

Tammy Sullivan, 53
Loan Officer and single parent
Tucson, AZ


Tammy is a single parent to a teenage son and a dog. She loves being outdoors, spending time with her family, and is a “dog person”. She’s has a big heart, successful career, and is in a good financial position to help those in need.

Our Persona thinks it’s important for people with disabilities to have a service dog. Helping those in need is very gratifying for her, as she knows what it’s like to struggle.


As a dog lover Tammy is interested in supporting organizations that involve dogs.


Tammy wants to find ways to help and donate, and needs a website that she can easily navigate, learn about ways to help, and trust with her donation.

Problem Statement:

Though our user is very interested in helping organizations that train service dogs for people with disabilities, she is equally discouraged by websites that are off-putting, difficult to navigate or confusing. Her interest in donating to Rainbow Service Dogs is therefore jeopardized by her aversion to an unappealing website experience.

Hypothesis Statement:

By showcasing the inspiring initiatives of Rainbow Service Dogs, clarifying the navigation and website organization, and emphasizing the "Donate" call to action, we believe users will be more willing to get involved and donate.

Information Architecture

After auditing the website, we reorganized content and pages into more a more logical, visitor friendly structure. This led to renaming most navigation links as well.

Before - Navigation Menu
Before - Footer
New Site Map
Early sketches and wireframes
Style Tile
Testing, Iterations, and More Testing

After clickable prototypes were built in Figma, we wanted to test how our reimagined site would work.

User Testing

User Testing Feedback:

  • Minor naviagtion issues due to lack of buttons on the home page.
  • Questions regarding our donation flow, "Is Paypal the only way for me to make an online donation or are there other opportunities?"
  • Unclear wording for a few headlines.
  • "These success stories are extrememly important when someone is trying to learn about the group and whether or not to contribute or become involved".
Front End Development

While coding is not necessarily a UX/UI skillset, we did fully develop our site. I include this portion in my case study as it was one of my largest contributions to the project.

The site was built using Bootstrap 4, HTML, CSS, and a little JavaScript.

You can see our solution (hosted on GitHub) by clicking the link below:

Link to Site
A new fun and functional website!

website demo

Wow! what a ride this project was. The research that was so challenging in those first few weeks is now almost second nature. Analysing data, both qualitative and quantitative, digging into a problem, and really understanding a users’ perspective are skills that can’t be unlearned. I’m impressed that our team pulled this website off when just 6 months ago we were all rank UX/UI beginners.

This isn’t to say it was all smooth sailing however. The biggest challenge we all faced was the sheer amount of work that needed to be done in such a short time. It wouldn’t have been possible if we didn’t each give 110%. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, and as a team we had each others back.

Moving forward we plan to present the site hosted on Github to Kelley, the director of Rainbow Service Dogs, and if she is interested volunteer to really redesign her present site. Either way this has been a rewarding effort, as a team building exercise, practicing UX and UI design abilities, and honing our presentation skills.