Client: SAYoga Responsive Website

Abu Dhabi based yoga therapist needs website to promote
her services and inform potential customers.

sayoga homepage

SAYoga Branding and Website Design

Project Overview was launched in late 2021 by Yoga for the Special Child® instructor, Valentina M. as a way to reach and educate potential clients. This was an end-to-end design project from branding, UX research, content audit, web design and development, as the client was in the initial stages of building her business.

The Solution:

Build a new website from the ground up that addresses potential SAYoga clients questions, needs, and concerns. Focus was on communicating information, creating trust, and nudging potential clients to contact stakeholder for more information and/or book an appointment.

My Roles:

UX Research, Branding & Logo Design, UI Design, WordPress website development


Miro, InVision, Figma, Affinity Designer, WordPress CMS, HTML, & CSS


6 Weeks

Link to Website

Stakeholder Interview

During the kickoff meeting the client expressed the need to create an informational website to help educate potential customers. Based in the Middle East, she mentioned that many local residents were not familiar with yoga, or how it might benefit their special needs child. She remarked that many wanted her to “fix” their child.

In addition, the client wants to expand her client base, and saw that a website is a way to reach more potential customers, build trust, and be a useful resource.

Based on the demographics and pain points of her current clients, I created a persona to ensure that the stakeholder and I are designing for the correct audience.

proto persona
Proto persona based on demographics, wants, and needs of current clients
Competitor Analysis Brief
  • Offers pediatric occupational therapy as well as physiotherapy
  • 2 "State of the Art" facilities
  • Staff MDs can oversee treatments
  • Also offers speech/language and psychiatric therapies
  • Does not offer in-home visits
  • Does not offer yoga-based therapies

Yogaone Studio

  • Classes for kids and teens designed to build strength and flexibility, promote positive body image, and reduce stress
  • 2 locations in Abu Dhabi
  • Private instruction offered
  • Does not offer Yoga for the Special Child®
  • Must come to yoga studio

Shweta, personal yoga trainer

  • Will conduct private in-home yoga sessions
  • Speaks English, Hindi, Bengali
  • Does not have Yoga for the Special Child® training

SAYoga is in a unique position, as there are no other practicing Yoga for the Special Child® instructors in the UAE. While there are a few indirect competitiors, none offer the specialized theraputic form of yoga for special needs children and adults in the home environment.


If a parent can learn more about yoga and how Yoga for the Special Child® can benefit their child, and if they have an easy way to contact stakeholder, then the will reach out and book and appointment or call for more details.

We know this to be true when we see:
  1. Caregivers will not believe that the stakeholder can "fix" their child, but will understand that this is a tool to enhance development of fine motor skills, communication, as well as improve body awareness, breathe capacity, movement, and flexibility.
  2. Parents will overcome their hesitancy to try yoga (not widely understood by many locals in the region) for their special needs child.
  3. Number of new clients will increase.
Feature Prioritization and Site Map

Because scope creep was a factor, I discussed with the stakeholder the priority components to impliment first, saving extras such as technique videos and a blog (which would need content development anyway) for later phases.

Feature Prioritization
A simple site map for a simple site


Because this was an informational website, I knew there would be a lot of text. I used the actual copy to create the layout, just to make sure everything fit and looked good rather than using filler text.

Robots in the Park
Robots in the Park
Robots in the Park
Robots in the Park
Style Guide and UI
Sayoga brand guide
Sayoga UI design
Accessibility Testing

Because the stakeholder caters to a very special demographic, I wanted to ensure her website was WCAG compliant and as accessible as possible. While her primary audience are parents of special needs children, she also has a few adults clients as well, and they are all tech savvy. I used a relatively large (18pt), san-serif font but initially the background was too light to provide enough contrast.

All images have alternative text added for screen readers, and the green and brown color scheme was specifically chosen to be soothing and not agitate those with autism spectrum disorder.

Footer background color before accessibility testing
Adjusted footer background color after accessibility testing
User Testing

User testing feedback was positive overall. The client tested the website with a focus group and none had difficulty navigating the website, or downloading the Registration Form pdf.

The amount of information presented was enough to inform testers without being overwhelming.

All users expresses 100% confidence if they were to contact stakeholder for an appointment.

Fun graphic created to add visual interest
THE SOLUTION Responsive Website
Link to Website
ahahaha phone mockup
sayoga mobile

After the design phase was over I built and launched using WordPress CMS. I've embedded Google analytics for SEO tracking and have tested all links and proofed the site for errors and typos. At this time - while the site is live, it is not indexed, as the stakeholder has put her business on hold due to the latest Covid-19 wave. She felt the health of her vulnerable clients is too precious to risk by inadvertently exposing them. Plans are to re-start in the Fall '22.